2 Dribbble Invites Giveaway
Hey Buddies 👋
We have 2 Dribbble invites! Do you want to be drafted?
If you want to be drafted: 1) Send me your best shot and your Dribbble account link to graphpaper.smileless@gmail.com until the end of Friday 26.06.2020 2) Important! Specify "Dribbble Invite" in your letter subject 3) Be patient and I will announce the winners on Monday 29.06.2020
Good luck! ____
Please, show us your love, we're so glad to find new talent! Don't also forget to add your dribbble profile link. On Monday, in this post, we will announce the player who will receive the dribbble invitation. Keep for updates and “Good luck ;)” - ❖ Download From here : Flyer-Poster-BannerLogo-Company BrandingT-Shirt DesignSocial Media-Ads Design - - ❖ Follow Me On : BehanceInstagram - Let me know, what do you think? As always feedback is much appreciated. - Do you have a project you’d like to collaborate on? Email us at abdullahalrafi48@gmail.com