Broken Heart Tree

We come into this world innocently without knowing pain. Then we meet people and our whole lives can change. Trees are symbolisms for life and growth. The experiences people have shape them who they are today. Just like a tree growing from its roots, our hearts can grow bigger with love. I have made one of the tree’s roots connect to a heart. As the tree grows, it branches out, just like we do when we meet new people. We form new connections as the days go by, but some people we meet don’t always stay in our lives. From family members, friends, significant others, and more, we can never predict who will be leaving us one day. So when they do, we are left sad and heartbroken. Once a pure and innocent heart, we then will know what it is like to hurt. We will feel pain, sorrow, and maybe regret. That’s what the broken heart leaves in this artwork represents. This tree has many broken heart leaves, because many people have left me in my life. I have had my heart broken so many times in so many ways. However, just like a tree’s leaves fall off, it will no longer be of use to the tree. So when the broken hearts fall off, that’s when we know we have moved on. No matter how many people have hurt us in our life, we will always heal with time. Pain that is given to us will help us grow stronger and resilient.

More by Rosefina Gao

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