Hackathon App for SLI

Back in May I participated in the Sports Innovation Lab Hackathon with the goal of "Bringing the power of togetherness back to sports" which meant finding out a way to bring the stadium experience while staying at home.

I got the great experience of working with a really motivated team, all sports fans with me and the other tech oriented participant having never entered a stadium. In the end we came up with a hybrid idea for an app that would work both in your Smart TV and your Phone, acknowledging that most people watching a Sports Game use their phone at the same time and connecting both.

The general use of the app would focus on watching the game on the big screen a (that would be a Jumbotron heir) and using the app for interactions and/or second screen.

With the mobile app you'd be capable of subscribing to the latest sports news, check the player stats for the most sport savvy users, buy the local snacks that are available at your closest stadium and be capable of capturing social media shareable game highlights (shorts of 3-5 seconds) as GIFs and *interact* with the game.

The Jumbotron (TV) would show the game along with the *interaction moments* as the HugCam or KissCam that would let the viewers appear on the TV with the help of the companion app, live people's comments on the game, ads or even Video Challenges. On Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/99137041/Hackathon-SLI?share=1https://duranzno.netlify.com/https://github.com/Duranzno · https://www.linkedin.com/in/duranzno · https://twitter.com/duranzno_

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