Current Linux Configuration

My Awesome Window Manager on Arch Linux Configuration, written in Lua (what an awful language) and featuring pretty much 100% from scratch solutions to my needs for my daily driver. It works across my systems, runs relatively light (so it works on the girlfriend's 5 year old laptop) and even utilizes a base16 theme I made for its color scheme.

The wallpaper, which is also a custom creation, is of the Kali Yantra, which is a symbolic representation of the Hindu Goddess Kali. The colors are from the above mentioned base16 theme and the backdrop is a maze pattern generated using GIMP, which until Adobe stops being jerks, I am constrained to using in combination with Krita and Inkscape (I am not installing Windows for one suite of software, especially when GIMP isn't so bad either).

The icon set I am using here is a custom styled variant of the Flatery icon pack. The windows themselves are styled with the Dhumavati GTK theme that I wrote myself. Additionally, at boot, the system uses a custom grub theme, the Bhairava Grub Theme, also something I wrote out myself.

After all, if you want free software to look good, you have to do it yourself.
The mushroom heads are from a shell script, which you can find in my user bin available here ( and if anyone wants to take the time to make the mushrooms' spots be the white part and the color be the backdrop, please submit a pull request, I would be overwhelming grateful.

The Configuration itself is here (

and my Linux dotfiles, which are configurations of which this particular interface is but a part of, are here(

Posted on Jun 18, 2020

More by Thomas Leon Highbaugh

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