"Madness Manor" is finally completed
Hi guys, The project of the board role-playing game
"Madness Manor" is finally completed. The board game includes 15 unique roles, 15 cards of insanity (10 cards of "Normal" and 5 cards of "Madman"), 51 cards of "Item" (including 14 cards of weapons and 37 cards of household items). The basic rules of the game were also finalized. Each character has his own skills. The style of play for "Mad" and "Normal" is fundamentally different. The mechanics of killing and healing were refined.
At the moment I am preparing versions of the game for Tabletop Simulator and Print'n'Play format.
At the moment I need help in the beta test of the game. Anyone who is eager can knock on this mail to submit material for the Beta test. Or support me at Patreon, where I will eventually post the Print'n'Play version of the game.