Aware Animal Welfare Daily Management Interface

This was user interface design work I completed as a part of a larger project for the Aware Institute. We designed and built a management application for zoos to help them track and use scientific principles in the care of their animals.

Aware needed an interface through which managers and caregivers could visually enter their housing schedules for all of their animals for the day. Within those housing blocks, they needed to enter different "Events" such as feeding, husbandry, veterinary care, observations, and enrichment.

One of the challenges was to build the interface to be as high fidelity as possible on desktop, but to also work on mobile devices in the field. I designed and built a "Planner" interface that was optimized for desktop and an "Agenda" interface which was tailored for mobile viewing and updating.

In addition, I designed an built several "Report" type interfaces so that care givers could track their progress against certain scientific metrics. These included a Daily Summary, a Daily Report, a Weekly Report, and a Monthly Report.

This work was completed as part of my freelance design practice Test/Plot studio.

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