Now is the Time

This image was inspired by the events that lead to the protests calling for justice for George Floyd and the innumerable other victims of injustice and death from police force, in addition the following quote accompied with the figures from the most recent propsed Philadelphia Budget**

“We want to focus on keeping Philadelphians safe, educated, and healthy” - Mayor Jim Kenny

+ $19.1M to PPD’s $760M budget
-$8.26M Public Health
-$4.17M Arts & Culture
*basically all funding
-$9.27M Libraries
-$12.8M Parks and Rec
-$12.8M Homeless Services
-$18.8M Streets Dept.

** 6/10/2020 : 14 Philadelphia City Council Members Say No To $14M Proposed Increase To Police Budget

6/16/2020 : Mayor Kenney said he has eliminated the budget increase

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