Old Newspaper Inspired Portfolio Idea [Discontinued] - Homepage
This is a(nother) discontinued portfolio idea that I've been fiddling with for the past few weeks. The challenge was to create a portfolio website that resembles an old newspaper from the '50s-'60s, but is still okay to read on screen.
I took inspiration from various Hungarian and British newspapers from that time period, carefully selecting colors and applying some textures to make it look like the ink has faded over time.
I made it to a point where I had to work on my copy in order to finalize the exact layout, but that copy never came due to an approach change in my career.
Code-wise it would have used CSS Multi-column layout along with CSS Grid, having fluid column widths. I think it would have been a great technical demo for these technologies.
This shot would have been the homepage. You should check out the Project page as well: https://dribbble.com/shots/12065819-Old-Newspaper-Inspired-Portfolio-Idea-A-Project-Discontinued
Thanks for checking it out!