I designed this app in the wake of the protests and George Floyd's death. The purpose of this app is to inform and educate non-black people about racial inequality and systemic racism toward the black community through movies, documentaries, books, audiobooks, and podcasts.
More info about it at: https://www.margatanchuling.com/blm.html
I designed this app in the wake of the protests and George Floyd's death. The purpose of this app is to inform and educate non-black people about racial inequality and systemic racism toward the black community through movies, documentaries, books, audiobooks, and podcasts.
More info about it at: https://www.margatanchuling.com/blm.html
I designed this app in the wake of the protests and George Floyd's death. The purpose of this app is to inform and educate non-black people about racial inequality and systemic racism toward the black community through movies, documentaries, books, audiobooks, and podcasts.
More info about it at: https://www.margatanchuling.com/blm.html