Collage for a Medium Article About Green Energy
Hey guys!
Yesterday we officially released "The Power of Sound" - a website, game and a digital experience we made at our first internal Hackathon at Zajno! Now, the experience is on AWWWARDS waiting for your vote!
As I promised yesterday, here is the article that gives a full account of our incredible experience of an internal hackathon, how it unraveled our studio's superpowers and became a landmark event at Zajno.
We also tell you about the "The Power of Sound" project that won between 3 teams at the hackathon. The project is about the importance of green energy and its power to change – and save – our world. In the experience we explore new sources of alternative energy – namely sound energy – and imagine a future where entire cities will be powered by it!
Read the article!Play the game! And tell us how many lights you have powered! 💡
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