10 by 10- Happiness in Adjustments- 5

Hey, myself Kedar Sanjay Naik. I'm an Illustrator and designer based in Mumbai. I born and bought up in a family living in a chawl. Chawl is a name for a type of residential building found in Northern part of India. Typically, housing units in chawls are availed of by relatively poor but gainfully employed working-class families. There were a lot of families resides in a chawl with a variety of characters included in a family.

The rooms of 10 by 10 feet were an essential part of everyone's life.
In a space of 10 by 10 feet is where lives were lived and dreams were dreamt. This is where we learned to make adjustments from our childhood days itself, rely on one another and respect the roof on our heads. Despite these adjustments in a world of crowded spaces, each person has managed to create his unique world of happiness.

Project "10 by 10- Happiness in Adjustments" is a visual representation of these adjustments. I tried to illustrate different families from the chawl and their unique stories of 'Happiness in adjustments' in a single frame.
Each frame tells the story of that particular family and their unique way to find the happiness in those adjustments, no matter how big these adjustments were.
I'm glad to share my work with creative talents around the world through this platform. I would like to receive your opinions, feedback regarding my work portfolio. I would also like to design more creative stuff and to share that amongst the creative community around the world.

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