Design DL Boost (may 23-30) design line | educational design platform It was super smooth and no, Serge - it is necessary to repeat (: ⠀ Of course there were doubts to buy a ticket or not, as not was in a group hadcore 30 people. But, this was not noticeable at all during the internship, which surprised me! Our questions are also answered and we did all fire job where time was limited ⠀ Conducted bomb lectures where there was no water at all! Curators (Alexander Kovalsky and Sergey Krasotin, thank you you are the best!) they talked about the processes in their teams and it was exciting, the broadcasts flew by! We had a cool chat, usually do not like chat rooms and communicate there, but this time participated in the conversations and curators together with us (: We left the access to all the materials, and there are very useful and can be pumped and pumped! ⠀ This is the most cool ride I've ever been on! This week is very powerful and I am glad that I did all the tasks, learned a lot of new things for myself, and soon we will see the results (:
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