
I'd lie saying that I was completely aware of the appalling discrimination and abuse black people suffered from before the recent events... Seak the truth and be careful when sharing information found on the internet is now a prior concern. But we drown into an ocean of true and fake/disinformation which is highly frustrating. Plus, information is always meticulously twisted and presented the way its publisher wants is to be. Movements like the #blacklivesmatter help us open our eyes on what's truly happening (still, there's misinformation inside the polemic too). Such a shame we've waited to see someone be killed on SM to start a global fight. It's even more upsetting since it is not our first fight against racism in History and will certainly not be the last... Some people were already fighting but not heard, and I feel like we should apologize to them. This scanty statement I wrote offers no miraculous solution. I simply wanted to share a snatch of my thoughts and ask from you, reader, to be more curious about our world and question every information you come across. I'd like to believe we seek to become better persons, I try to. But because of my nescience up until now, I'd like to say : "Sorry to be ignorant, Sorry I did not feel concerned, Sorry I am privileged."

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