Online Activity Course - Design for Seniors

Hello Dribbblers! 👋🏻

Let’s face it - we’re not getting any younger and designing for seniors might actually be… the future! 👵🏻👴🏾

Trinity College from Dublin has reached out to us to help them build an online activity course for a senior audience. The course would not only help them move and educate them about health but also allow scientists from Trinity College to collect data and improve physical activity programs for the elderly. In this project, we’ve made sure we won’t leave behind both the accessibility standards and modern trends.

Want to learn more about how we did it? See the full Case Study on Behance

And huge applause for my partner in crime - Iwona Wojciechowska, who co-created this beautiful project with me; and one and only Pola Leszczyńska - for endless feedback, major help with illustration and an accessibility consultancy. Without you it wouldn't work and look that good 💝 ______________________

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