Project: Love Kristina
I'd like to start a rebound contest to raise awareness of my sister, Kristina's need. Her story is simple:
Last night her house burned down with no fire insurance. She's married with 4 daughters, 1 son and she is 9 months pregnant. They lost everything except a computer and a few photos. Read more of her story here.
If you'd like to support her need, you can DONATE VIA PAYPAL HERE.
Rebound this shot, loosely using the concepts of Fire, Home and Love. Since this to raise awareness and hopefully donations/prayers/support of any kind, I would ask that you please link your shot to this page.
$100 Cash I'm giving away two $100 cash prizes. One, to the winner of this rebound by number of likes and another to my favorite pick.
We Are The Scenery Poster + Brush Pack by Ryan Clark The two winners will be able to pick one poster and one brush pack from Ryan Clark's amazing shoppe, We Are The Scenery.. Thanks Ryan!
Fine Goods: Icon Sets I've got 3 icon sets in the works for my store. When each of these are released, you will be given as a prize for winning each set. Also, you will be given permission to use my social icon set in any of your commercial projects.
Pictos Complete The always amazing Drew Wilson has agreed to give each winner a Pictos Complete icon set. The set includes all PNGs, Vectors and the Pictos font worth over a $240 value! Thanks Drew!
Notorious: Pixel Patterns Brian Benitez aka NotoriousUSB has made a generous offering to anyone participating in the rebound. If you rebound this contest, you get his Premium Pixel Patterns for free. Contact him on Twitter @NotoriousUSB to get your download! Thanks Brian!
The support the web community has already shown my sister has been amazing. I'm indebted to all of you.
You have hearts of gold and I love this community. Thank you.
[EDIT] Mad props to Brendan Falkowski and Michel Bozgounov for their shots on Dribbble to help raise awareness even before I could post this one.
[EDIT] I'm going to add a third place prize of $50 :)