InstaClean - Clean Environment by Clean yor Mailbox
InstaClean is an e-mail Inbox Cleaner tool for any Email Service Provider. It's 100% free and help to unsubscribe newsletters & delete spam / unwanted emails in bulk. When you deleting your unwanted emails, you are helping this environment indirectly. How ? The sending of one email is estimated to produce 0.000001 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. That doesn't seem like much, but if you consider that the average person sends ten un-actionable, 'unnecessary' emails per week, you very quickly have a far larger carbon footprint when looked at on a national scale. So, Don't pollute our environment by keeping unwanted emails on your inbox.
"Clean Your Inbox, Save Your Planet"
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This app's ui/ux done by Kaniskar under Vumonic Datalabs.