My pain is growing like when you are watching the water becoming to boil, in every wink, you are noticing so many bubbles added to this journey. Many jumpy, hurtful bubbles that finally achieved boiling point and they ready to escape, but even running away, it's not the option because, at the end of all these efforts, they will vaporize. The pain is hot. Hot like burning through the bone. This pain; this pain convinced me that I'm weaker than being healthy. I’m witnessing the pain is eating my essence every day. This monster combines physical and mental discomfort like you're making soup. Put all the ingredients together, add a handful of hot red and yellow pepper to the pot, don't forget about the boiling hot water. Let's crush them with the sharpest blender. But the blade isn't that sharp, so it takes time to get what you want, the blade has the responsibility to tear a part of all the components so be patient this soup it's not easy to prepare you should kill time. As a result, you get the best clear and pure soup ever. This is how I feel every day, melted and squashed with the pain. Sometimes you can't even determine the origin of the pain point; it's indescribable.