Harry Potter movies site
This is a Harry Potter movie website concept. I created it during the challenge on the theme "first screen of the site of my favorite movie." In my concept, on the first screen there is an accordion with links to watch a movie (like on a Fox-fan site). This accordion reminds me of books on a shelf in chronological order. When you pick up a book, you look at the front cover and decide to either read the book immediately or read its description. Here also.
When implementing, there was a problem in selecting photos. I imagined them to be large, high-quality and with subtext, as in this version. But, unfortunately, there are simply no such photos. Given that the first films were shot almost 20 years ago. It's good that I found minimalist style posters from the artist / photographer H. Svanegaard https://www.flickr.com/photos/hindhede/ They hit the nail on the head! Thank you.