Contactless Delivery

An overlooked but compelling part of contactless delivery is its replacement of the 1:1 touchpoint, that is, the emotions generated in receiving a product you have ordered. Contactless delivery not only helps the recipient feel confident and comfortable with this change in the interaction of a delivery process, it makes them feel in charge and reconnected.

When we are handed a package and asked to sign to accept, we see the driver and experience, even for a glimpse, the brand of that provider we ordered from, and in doing so, gain a feeling of legitimacy and, hopefully, quality in this interaction.

In the contactless world, we don’t have these experiences to draw upon. Onfleet’s team wanted to create a new flow for delivery companies to utilize and gain back this subtle legitimacy and brand experience. By exposing the driver’s location and details, allowing companies to communicate in their own words, showing an estimated ETA, and allowing for custom branding of the signature page we can help communicate the personality behind the product. By providing this transparency we ease the recipient’s questions about their delivery and help prime them for a positive delivery—and brand—experience.

We feel that this is a key feature and equally valuable to the provider in terms of legal compliance, and brand experience as well as to the recipient in gaining back some sense of normalcy and ultimately ease of use.

Read more about it at:

Chris Rumble
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