CNN home page redesign concept
Hi Dribbble community!
Last week I got some tasks and I want to share them with you😄
The task was to think how to attract millennials to CNN site with improving its design.
The problem and main idea of my concept is that millennials don’t read newspapers📰
They prefer to scroll news feed in social networks and share it with friends📱
So I decided to make a research of direct competitors like google news, yahoo news and some other and indirect competitors like Instagram, Facebook and Steam. This helped me to find out what the best decisions I can reuse from there.
You can read a user story on the second slide😉
Based on needs of such users, I’ve created a wireframe and then I’ve applied some stylization. Red color from CNN logo I used as accent color, dark blue color is used for titles and body text and grey color for captions Part of icons I’ve created myself and part I’ve downloaded from free source and modified them a bit
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