iComics 2 Reader UI (MVP)

Something I've spent the last few weeks playing with in Photoshop (And the last few years thinking about) is how I wanted to go about redesigning the control panels while reading comics in iComics.

I was hoping for something more modern, and more minimal, but at the same time, not detracting from functionality. After many hours of moving buttons around, various font sizes, and measuring official Apple UI spacing, I've arrived at this design.

Ultimately, it became a sort of a fusion between the best parts of Apple Books, and the iOS movie player UI. The icon on the right is for controlling page direction and the left hand button only appears after a user has scrubbed forward using the bar along the bottom.

I plan to slowly add more features over time, and as such, I expect this UI to evolve over time as well. :)

(iPhone XS Max mockup by Pixeden.com)

Tim Oliver
G'day! I'm an iOS software developer from Perth, Australia!
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