Translated Places
Some time ago there was a random Twitter viral phenomenon, when someone decided to start translating places of Costa Rica, and used the hashtag: #lugarestraducidos (in English it means #translatedplaces).
So the principal idea was to Translate the place into English, taking parts of the word.
Lets see an example of this: Santa Teresa is a place of Costa Rica, so in spanish if we separate this word, we get two different meanings: “Santa” means Holy, and “Teresa” is a slang word which means Boobie. So the funny part was to say that Santa Teresa was actually a Holy Boobie.
Several times I tweeted names of translated places and some hours later there were nearly hundreds of tweets by people suggesting funny names. That was very cool, but after that I wanted to “immortalize” them. How? well by illustrating them.
Here is the link of the project with 22 illustrations:
Thanks for passing by!