Facebook iOS7 - Left Menu

latest shot in the Facebook iOS7 redesign is the left side menu

with the new iOS7 status bar and topbar having the same background it raises some concerns with what elements move when the menu button is tapped, is it just the topbar, the status bar or both.

i wanted this menu behavior to be the same as it is now with all the screen content moving except the status bar, the only difficult thing then would be to make sure that the move looks fluid with both bars having the same background but still having something that can slide to the right/left to reveal content behind.

my solution to this was to have the same coloured background as the topbar, this way the content will slide but there is no colour change or distortion when the menu slides making it a seemless transition.

i've attached 2 real pixels as always and your feedback on this one will be much appreciated.

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Posted on Jul 12, 2013

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