Ride Slow | Stay Rad Dad Hat
What's better than a dad hat? A rad hat.
I’ve been quiet for awhile and haven’t posted much new work, but wanted to provide some updates.
Right when the pandemic started, my wife and I were about to start a move. We spent a couple months packing, moving, unpacking, and getting settled into a new place. During that time, my team at work— that I had worked with for 4 years since the Code School days— was dissolved. I was left without a team, but, luckily, joined another soon after. It’s been stressful, busy, and hectic, but... We are in a home we love, I’m learning so much on my new team, and, now, I’m launching Ride Slow Co. which is a project I’ve been working on in the background since November 2019.
I’m so stoked to share it with y’all! Go check out rideslow.co and the giveaway on the rideslow.co Instagram!