PAND / Branding

PAND is a logomark that is aimed to be an icon for pet-friendliness. Originally the logo is designed for an educative mobile app that targets beginner pet owners. The app was featuring a pet friendly map where you can find pet-friendly hotels, cafes, restaurants and many other urban facilities for your pet.

So I challenged myself to transform the app icon into a possible universal icon for pet-friendliness. I imagined restaurants sticking their doors this icon as an indicator to tell guests that it is a pet friendly restaurant, hotel, shop etc.

I followed a simple idea: bringing a human hand and a paw together. I aimed to demonstrate the empathy between these two friends. And I conceptualize the name PAND by following the same idea of togetherness: PA(W) + (HA)ND.

More by Sena Celebillus

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