
A couple of years ago, I started teaching myself After Effects. This mostly consisted of my having an idea, drawing everything by hand, and searching for tutorials to help me animate those drawings. It wasn't the most efficient process, but I learned quite a bit and made a few cute animations.

I'm now taking an online class, because I want to really get into the software and learn more about movement and animation techniques. Over the years, I've had ideas for animated shorts but recently started to really dive into the story for one of them. I have a story written, created mood boards, and started working on initial sketches for the characters. I'll be working on that project as I continue this class and will keep posting the work in progress.

In the meantime, here's a quick animation I made yesterday. I learned the "squash"! It's part of one of the basic animation techniques called "squash and stretch". I can't wait to share more with you all!

More by Kristina L. Vallejo

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