Purposeful practice UI/UX
"Purposeful practice UI/UX" is my dream/passion project I had in my mind for a very long time and finally the time has come to make it real.
Purposeful practice focuses on achieving specific goals rather than simply doing the activity. These goals must also be measurable, actionable, and time-bound. For instance, you might be distracted during naive practice, but you must focus your undivided attention on purposeful practice. The purposeful practice also requires feedback and room for creative problem-solving. This kind of practice is very useful if you want to improve in your career and to break out of your design plateaus.
How does it work? I choose an existing problem in UI/UX field and set a well-defined, specific goal that solves that problem (for example - create a better purchase experience on an existing app). Then I go through classical design process steps, create a solution and test it. Gathered authentic feedback and personal experience helps to stay in focus developing my skillset. And also brings value to the community 💪
This idea is inspired by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool book "Peak. Secrets from the new science of expertise"