Cupped App [iOS 7]

Hey guys! We had some updates!

Firstly, yea, it's iOS 7. I was ignoring it, cause I don't really like it (exceptionally the homescreen icons), but everyone is making UI for the new iOS, so I think, this is my time to enter this community too.

Secondly, as you can see - we have a new color there. It was green before, but I decided to change it to blue. We think, it looks more user friendly and relaxable.

Thirdly, we have a new name - Cupped. It looks way shorter than «The Cup App» and sounds better, so we have chosen it instead of the last one.

I'd like to hear your critique and get some feedback. Thanks, and stay tuned for updates on Cupped.

PS: What do you think about my english?
PPS: Sorry, I don't have an iPhone 5 to show you this app more wide.
PPPS: I have female nails in this photo I theoretically posted haha, don't mind.

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