Quiet Circle Book Club App
Quiet Circle Quiet Circle is a book club app designed for users who are more on the introverted side. The app is directed towards people who enjoy a simpler approach to design, and would prefer something straight to the point, instead of flashy.
Because Quiet Circle is directed towards an introverted audience, there aren’t any private messaging features. The group messaging system is only available during the designated chapter discussion time, and will be closed once the discussion is over. Users can go back and review the conversations, but cannot continue to add to it. This eliminates some of the overwhelming feelings of needing to respond on social media, while allowing for a conversation about the book to be held. With the strict time limit for messaging users are more likely to stay on topic during the book club, as well.
If you enjoy reading, and are looking for a less social book club experience, Quiet Circle is the app for you.