Fademir logo
Logo for the company Fademir. Fademir is a company that operates on the business of import & export and renting. So the objective was to create a general logo that would match both markets that the company operates. You can see the full brand system at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/97193721/Fademir
Logo for the company Fademir. Fademir is a company that operates on the business of import & export and renting. So the objective was to create a general logo that would match both markets that the company operates. You can see the full brand system at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/97193721/Fademir
Logo for the company Fademir. Fademir is a company that operates on the business of import & export and renting. So the objective was to create a general logo that would match both markets that the company operates. You can see the full brand system at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/97193721/Fademir