30 Days of Art: (1) Stalk Market

Hello everyone! Taking on the Daily UI Challenge in a unique way; I am enrolled in a university class in which one of our projects is titled "30 Days of Art". We get to choose what creative discipline we want to focus on for the next 30 days, and I chose UI Design, with some sprinkles of UX added in on some days to get myself familiarized with the world of UX/UI and Product Design.

I have a background in design, specifically graphic design, but I have spent the past 8 months from August 2019-April 2020 working internships in marketing & communications - my Photoshop and Illustrator skills are a bit rusty as a result. Product Design is a field I hope to go into next in my professional career when I graduate from university in a year's time, so I hope to improve my design knowledge and thinking when it comes to UX, UI, and Product Design by taking on this challenge for the next 30 days.

Day 1 is an app design of the popular "Stalk Market" in the video game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Nintendo Switch. I've seen lots of fanmade websites forecasting turnip price predictions, but not a mobile app itself that could be useful for the user's NookPhone. I designed the app icon to emulate the simplicity of the other NookPhone apps you can view when playing the game.

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