iOS7 Messages - Message

next up the message app :)

first off i wanted to try something different with the button that takes you back to the list of messages so i decided to use my "bubble" that i have on the app icon. the main reason is that when people look for messages on there phone they won't look for the label it will be the icon that represents what they are looking for.

i then wanted to change the "contact info" label to an icon, there is no need to have everything a label when an icon will suffice not to mention if the person you are chatting to has a large name or if you are like me and you have everyone's first and last name save in contacts (OCD issues).

I then wanted to change the "send" button and also the "camera" button, i feel that they still needed a background, something to give them presense on screen.

i then simplified the buttons and made them a little lighter.

The message bubbles have been redrawn to be a little more curvaceous (we all love curves) and then added different colours to them.

as always the 2 real pixel shots have been attached and next on the list will be the compose message and also the message list :)

More by Michael Shanks

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