Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah
KIP Kuliah KIP-Kuliah gives access to all students in Indonesia to reach their goals through higher education. Let's immediately find your dream campus. KIP-Kuliah applies to the selection paths of higher education entrance SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SNMPN, UMPN, PTN independent selection and PTS independent selection.
The Project The design above is the design of the homepage and the announcement page. On the home page, students can view information, announcements, important schedules, and banners to go to the FAQ page. The guide and FAQ page contains a list of frequently asked questions and answers, as well as guides that can be downloaded by students.
In this project, as a front end designer, i made design and implement it into HTML, CSS, and JS code, as a UI designer, I create application designs (UI) and collaborate with mobile developers.