Guiseppe’s | Cafe | Logo Design
Guiseppe’s | Cafe | Logo Design
-Tools Used •Adobe Illustrator…..Vector •Premiere Pro…………Video Edit •QuickTime...............Recording •Font………………………Golden Hills •Music.......................Up in the Clouds - TituS
Guiseppe’s | Cafe | Logo Design
-Tools Used •Adobe Illustrator…..Vector •Premiere Pro…………Video Edit •QuickTime...............Recording •Font………………………Golden Hills •Music.......................Up in the Clouds - TituS
Guiseppe’s | Cafe | Logo Design
-Tools Used •Adobe Illustrator…..Vector •Premiere Pro…………Video Edit •QuickTime...............Recording •Font………………………Golden Hills •Music.......................Up in the Clouds - TituS
Guiseppe’s | Cafe | Logo Design
-Tools Used •Adobe Illustrator…..Vector •Premiere Pro…………Video Edit •QuickTime...............Recording •Font………………………Golden Hills •Music.......................Up in the Clouds - TituS