Leaders disrupt their company before their industry
We made a set of graphics to quickly illustrate what we've learned helping leaders articulate, visualize, and (in some cases) realize their vision.
These are four major pitfalls leaders fall into repeatedly.
1. The unicorn promise gains initial excitement for good reason -- worthwhile goal and customers that need it. But the tech team can't live up to the promises. Along the way, the grandiose unicorn vision suffocates.
2. The half-baked sale involves a skilled salesperson selling a partially planned idea to stakeholders and/or customers. Unfortunately, this becomes evident as the idea matures and evolves into something different along the way.
3. Internal tug-of-war happens in bureaucratic organizations that lack a visionary leader. Too much time is spent arguing and too many compromises are made along the way. The vision either dies or is diluted, expensive, and late.
4. Action paralysis is a result of a personality trait. Someone who has a vision for the future but is too timid to speak up about it. No action is ever taken.