Greene County Branding

This is a logo design that I created for Greene County Indiana. Greene County is a county in Southern Indiana that sought a new logo and identity to increase tourism. Greene County is composed of small, traditional towns and country land. The landscape is beautiful, and it is highlighted in the logo design. The various parts of the logo design reflect natural elements key to Greene County: hills, Goose Pond(a major tourist spot in the county), agriculture, and forests. The wood cut texture placed over the illustration gives it a traditional feel. As a result, the logo is meant to honor the traditional feel of Greene County while looking modern. I also created several patterns for Greene County's brand identity. Each of the four patterns relates to an important aspect of Greene County to add character to brand applications. The patterns represent, from left to right, hills, industry, agriculture, & water. Each pattern type has two usage options, one where the pattern shape is small and repeated and one where the pattern shape is blown up. The patterns are meant to be used interchangeably and provide different usage options depending on where they need to be used.

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