16px is the new 12px

Just some friendly reminders for when you design something for digital:

- 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide, 90% of these people live in developing countries and 60% of them use computers or another gadgets with screens.

- Legibility is about ease of perception and impacts reading speed. The easier to read the text, the higher the legibility of your content will be.

- Most people sits about 20 to 23 inches from their computer screens, that makes 16-pixel text on a screen about the same size as text printed in a book or magazine at common reading distance.

- Today there are many devices with different screen sizes, from computers to smartphones, which means that the content should be readable in all of them.

So please, even if that font looks pretty nice at 12px and fits in that small container, consider these facts before.

More by Iván Rodríguez

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