To my Mama on this Mother's Day

Imagine for a second that we, humans, got an opportunity to travel back in time to talk to our ancient ancestors. Imagine a point in time so far removed from the present that none of modern languages sound anything like their predecessors. What words to choose to establish a contact? Which word would be understood by everyone regardless of the time they live in and language they speak?
This word is “mama”.
According to linguistic research, it is the only word that remains unchanged for thousands of years and hasn’t been affected by languages evolving and splitting into new languages.

Pretty cool, right? This fact fascinated me and I wanted to share it with my mama, who is both a mom and a linguist. I needed a strong visual for such a strong word, so I constructed a colossal virtual sculpture as a tribute to the word, to my mom and to all mothers we celebrate this Mother’s day.

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