MYCS - Product page

Hi, everyone! 👋

I want to share a shot about MYCS detail page were I try to improve the experience in their desktop product page due to a heavy bounce rates (around 70%).

Challenge​: How can we rethink/optimize the website experience to decrease our bounce and in result increase our conversion rates?

Goal:​ To create an easy, intuitive way to explore and design your own furniture.

- Use full screen layout to take advantage of the maximum width of the page to display images in a larger size
- Adjust typography, padding and colors. Ex: give more relevance to the price
- Add videos of the furniture to help the user to visualize them in real spaces:
- More photos real photos not only 3D pictures to help the user to visualize better the product
-Give more details of the product linked with the MYCS magazine to give the
customer more possibilities and info.
- Create a community rating of the product
- Give the information of the free delivery in the more product items
- Add another real photo on the subcategories page of product item hover
- Avoid pagination and integrate Autoload for the subcategories page
- More views possibilities of the subcategories page items 2/4

Know more about their actual product page here:

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