Looking for UX/UI job in Riga, Latvia

πŸ‘‹ Here it goes, it's Monday and it's time for me to give a quick update about myself to my network.

It's been 2 months since I am back to my home country, was very lucky to come at the right moment. Since then I have been finishing up some projects, photos and videos from Denmark, getting some new projects and most importantly working on my UX portfolio and freshening up my skills. YES, UX, because I recently changed my career path from marketing - to UX. Why? Because I enjoy more to be in the process of creation - talking with users and creating solutions together with them!

With this post, I want to announce that I am ready for new challenges in Riga, Latvia as a junior UX/UI researcher and designer for digital projects - Websites and Mobile Application, in a tech Start-Up or an Agency.

My previous experience? Of course, I have made a sum up of my recent case studies from my internship that can be found on my portfolio here https://www.zanehartmane.com/

I will be very happy for a like, share or comment. I am up for virtual coffee meetings to chat about possible opportunities or suggestions!

Feel free to contact me on Linkedin or on email zanehaartman@gmail.com

Have a lovely day and stay safe! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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