Many Editorially mastheads

Looking back over the last year or so of work on Editorially, I decided to count the number of iterations I've designed for our application masthead. This isn't all of them, but these are at least all the ones that I comped together in Photoshop or Illustrator (more steps have happened in code). These 34 mastheads represent ideas that were sound and valid at the time, but that needed to continue evolving based on the needs of what we're making. Sometimes the changes were as small as a redesigned icon, other times they were much larger changes with architectural counterparts.

I love being able to see how things improve over time and am so happy that this team and this work has pushed the design further than I'd originally plotted out. This image may not seem like much, but it represents countless hours of design and collaboration to try and make things better. "Simple" takes a lot of time, and that's something I will continue to love about this, always looking for ways to improve the interface, even at the smallest level.

See the full sized image for the full set.

More by Jason Santa Maria

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