TopoTransylvania logo

TopoTransylvania logo design for Working Group of Geoscience Project
The TopoTransylvania community would be novel and unique in this respect. The other novel feature of the research group is that it covers the entire lithosphere-asthenosphere system from bottom to top opening up new, more holistic research horizons. Besides the instant societal relevance the results could contribute to the construction of state-of-the-art analogue and numeric models for understanding the deformation of the lithosphere in the Carpathian Bend area.
The planned multidisciplinary Earth Science experiment in the Carpathian Bend area combining the expertise of geophysicist, geodesists, geochemists and volcanologists will be a so far unprecedently large scale effort. The expected results will outline the behaviour of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system and link deep to surface processes which could provide a template for other areas of the world.

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