Evernow homepage

The idea for the homepage was to have the option of combining two images to set the right mood, and switch them out to change it – however, the main message should be front and center of the screen. Another priority was to make the fonts and buttons large enough so no one need to take out their reading glasses on any device – a feature that was very much appreciated during the user testings!

Evernow is a company that provides clinical-grade telemedicine to women experiencing menopause symptoms. They help you find a custom treatment through their online consultations and expert medical team.

What I love the most is that the whole team is super passionate about their mission, and I can’t wait to see where they’re heading! Half the world’s population will personally experience menopause at some point in their life, but still plenty of people don’t get the treatments they need – we deserve better.

We designed the branding, website and a platform. The visual language packs a punch, and the warm autumn colors together with the closely cropped photography makes it feel intimate. As women start to experience menopause, they tend to feel uncomfortable and unseen, and we want to change that.


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