What brings me joy - Yoga

Inspired by Greg Gunn's weekly newsletter (TLDR) I asked in my stories “What brings you the most joy right now?” and shared the answers. It’s good to stop and take a look around to find these little things we’re grateful for (without making any less of the current situation, it’s a global pandemic afterall).⁣⁣
Greg’s invited everyone to answer that question and then go ahead and create it. Be it a dance, a photo, anything. I took the illustration route and made a few showing these small moments and activites that are keeping me happy and making the past days lighter.⁣⁣

First one is yoga. Started practicing it in 2018, had a inconsistent 2019 and now in 2020 I’m back at it. I’m grateful to be able to keep practicing it even with lockdown. It makes me wake up early and relaxed to start off the day. It’s a moment where I focus 100% on what I’m doing, forgetting about the news. Each day that I show up I learn more about enjoying the process itself, focusing less on the outcome when trying a new pose. A good way to slow down an anxious mind.⁣

Marcos Abdallah
Illustrator, putting feelings into pixels
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