G'day Dribbble!

G'day Dribbble!

I've been hanging out on Dribbble for a few months now, but I'm extremely happy to have now been drafted. Pleased to meet you! :)

At the moment, I'm focusing primarily on UI design for iOS apps, but also with a smidge of web design on the side. I'm originally from Australia, but I'm currently living in Japan doing iOS app development for a company in Tokyo named pixiv. ^_^

Now that Apple's let iOS 7 drop, I get the feeling the whole playing field of iOS UI design has just been wiped clean. I'm starting to look at ways to convert my apps over to iOS 7's cleaner, flatter design and I've already seen some truly inspirational interpretations of the new design conventions pop up on Dribbble. :D

I'm very much looking forward to showcasing my work on Dribbble from here onwards, and I'm hoping to learn much more about design along the way.

Absolute massive props to Mike Stezycki (http://dribbble.com/Mr_Stezz) for the invite. Thanks again Mike!

Have a nice day everyone! :)

Tim Oliver
G'day! I'm an iOS software developer from Perth, Australia!
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