I dug, and found these gems ✨

It's time to introduce a new series of vector assets: the crystal diagrams, volume one.

These two hundred assets (200) have been carefully drawn with the pen tool in Illustrator, sourced from old mineralogy/gemology books. They come in three versions:

- Stroked version (outline/dashed hidden lines if applicable) - A compound shape version (outline/dashed hidden lines if applicable) - A compound shape version (outline only)

These are perfect for many uses. Do you need a mystical piece of key art? We got you. Do you need a smaller ornament to complete a piece? We got you. Do you need to adjust the thickness of the line work to fit your current project's aesthetic? We got you. Do you need to add color to all/part of the crystal? We got you. Do you need sharp corners, bigger or smaller dashes? WE. GOT. YOU.

The line quality is clean and crisp. Each asset is available in various vector formats to fully take advantage of scalability. Applying your own library of aging/texturing/brush techniques to the assets is easy, and straight forward, thanks to their vector nature.

They are ready to go for all your key art/ornament/hexes/cleansing rituals. Don't hesitate to share the work.

--- - Two hundred (200) assets - Available in a variety of vector formats for greater flexibility (Illustrator CC, CS6, CS3, EPS, PDF) - 185 MB archive

--- If you like the grit you see in the preview images, I'm happy to tell you that you can have it for your own projects! It comes from my vector noise textures, volume four, also available on Creative Market.

--- You should add your name to the Shop's mailing list! On the menu: new release sneak peeks, deals information, and other general updates from the factory floor. No spam, guaranteed.

--- You made it this far down? I'll let you in on a secret: there's already a second volume in the works!

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Simon Hartmann
Designer, photographer, blogger. 🇫🇷 living in 🇺🇸. He/him

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