Kingsday 2020 | Map view
Kingsday 2020 was something special! No outdoor celebrations, no fairs with stalls, and no other typical Kingsdag activities. The streets were empty, and the Dutch royal family was at home. Luckily the ‘Koninklijke bond van oranjeverenigingen’ did not want to skip this festive day. We were asked to collaborate with them and organize a digital Kingsday. Even though time was running out, we were thrilled to accept this challenge. Within only two weeks, we created, designed, and built a digital platform for Kingsday 2020, together with our partners Google, SparkOptimus, YouTube, and ‘Koninklijke bond van oranjeverenigingen’.
This platform enabled everyone to watch or upload music, dance performances, games, or other Kingsday activities. The result? Celebrating Kingsday together but from a distance. Even the king, queen, and princesses showed up in some live streams. We are honored that we were able to take on this task. Together we kept the biggest Dutch national holiday alive. Next year? Hopefully, we can celebrate Kingsday 2021 outdoors again. Stay safe!