Trusted Fan - App Store Screens

Trusted Fan ( is a mobile app made by Idemia that allows users to scan their fingerprints and access fast-pass lanes at concerts and sporting events. We worked in partnership with the San Francisco 49ers and Boston Red Sox.

For mobile products, a user seeing an app's App Store page is an important part of the user acquisition funnel. It's a place to communicate the value of the product in a succinct and obvious way. Since most people don't take time to read descriptions, the screenshots section is our best bet for conveying this value.

With this in mind, I approached this design by first understanding our customers core motivations for downloading. (1) You can use this app and not have to wait in line. (2) This app is going to save you time and allow you to do more of what you love - enjoy the event. (3) It's super convenient - you just swipe your hand and you're in.

The end result was short, straight-to-the point copy (less words = greater impact), heavy use of imagery of people having fun (show users what our product allows them to do) and visuals for how easy the process was (just scan your fingerprints and you're in).

I A/B tested our original screenshots with this new design. The test was a simple "tell me what comes to mind when you see these screens."

On the original designs, the most common responses were around "security." This is obviously important, but it wasn't the main value we were trying to convey.

For the new designs, the most common responses were "convenient" and "fast." Since this was the value we were trying to communicate, we shipped it ✅

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