
Free drinks! Free drinks!

The game: Each person has three coins. Putting your hands behind your back, you choose to play any number of your coins by putting 0, 1, 2 or 3 in your right hand. Each player then places their right hand in the middle and takes turns guessing the total amount of coins being played that round. No number can be guessed twice in the same round. After all the guesses are made, each player opens their hand to reveal the amount of coins. Whichever player guessed the correct number wins, they are out, and are then required (by rule) to chant “Free drinks!” loudly to boast their victory. This continues until one player is left standing, who then has to buy the next round of drinks.

Because I love typography and custom type, I designed a logo for the game. We spell Cheeeno with three E‘s to represent the now iconic three coins. Up for a game?

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