Atomic Text: A Figma text-based atomic framework.

Atomic Text is a text-based atomic framework. -

How many times would you have liked to start a project using a design framework but looking around, none of the ones you found match your needs? Often you start from scratch but you don't have a list of all those basic elements useful to build a good design-system.

"Atomic Text" is not a pre-configured framework, there are no Components, Color-Style, Text-Style or anything like that inside it.

Inside this framework you will find only text indications divided in "Pages" that will help you step by step in creating your elements based on the Atomic design methodology.

Inside the file you will find the following "Pages":

♦︎ Stage: Where the magic happens ♦︎ Atoms ♦︎ Molecules ♦︎ Organism ♦︎ Templates ♦︎ Cover

Try it for yourself on @Figma. Atomic Text Frameworkl

Designed by Mario Biancolella

More by Mario Biancolella - UI Designer

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